
Search Options

Probably one of my favorite things about GMail, the search panel. I couldn't agree with Google more on the fact that you shouldn't delete any email, rather search for it when you need it. I think it saves a ton of time trying to organize incoming messages.

Something I would like to see changed is when searching for messages from a specific person. When composing a new email there is a nice auto-complete that tries to complete the address of the person you are sending the message to. I'm not sure why this isn't in place when searching. To me it would make sense since GMail is already aware of everyone you have sent/recived messages with.


A GMail Account You Can't Have

The other day when I o-so-kindly used up one of my invites on myself I learned a little something. That is, you cannot create a GMail user name with the phrase "gmail" in it. Here are some of the names that I tried to register:

  • gmailexperience - my first try to match my blog

  • experience - someone have this already???

  • gmail.experience

  • gmailexp

  • gmailexp1

  • gmailexp234234234 - this is where I gave up


Contact Me

I want to recieve feedback or questions from anyone who reads this blog, but I don't want to get any spam in my new GMail account (just in case I want to use it for real in the future). So, what do I do? I invited myself to join GMail. I know, those of you without GMail will probably want to kill me.

Comments, questions?


GMail does not have experience

Something to note is that GMail will still be flaky for a while, even when the do go production with their service. While Google is really innovative with new products they lack experience that other industry leaders such as Yahoo already have. As my experience yesterday with sending automated email to my account, I never received it.

I suppose we'll wait and see.....

For now I'm still using Yahoo as my primary spam account, and of course I still have my personal email account with a ISP that I pay for.

Something I failed to show in the last two pictures is the helpful little drop-down when you start to type an email address into the window. GMail automatically starts to help you with the address you're sending the email to. Posted by Hello

Here's the reply to the same message. Posted by Hello

Here's a shot of the messages I was writing yesterday. Nothing real fancy to see on this screen but I will point out that the textarea's where you enter the messages in are resizable. I haven't looked to see if they are actually text area's or if they are iframe's, but this is something that you don't usually see in web site. Users are usally confined to the exact size that the web developer set. Posted by Hello


Another picture of a GMail Conversation

Another picture of a GMail converstion only the old message is compressed so you only see the heading of it. To view the full messages, just click on the header of the old message and you will see the entire message.

Picture of a GMail Conversation

This is a picture of a GMail conversation, or what most people are used to as getting a reply back from someone. Notice that it nicely displays the two messages together in an easy to read format. What you would see in a tradition email is two completely different messages.

What's Going ON???

So I'm about ready to post some new GMail pictures through the Hello program for Blogger, but it wants me to verify my email address. Sure, I'm using my GMail account to manage this account so I have it send an automated email to my account. I'm waiting....I'm waiting, clicking refresh, signing in-and-out of GMail, and still nothing. I get so tired of waiting that I change the address that Hello uses for me to my Yahoo account. No problem there, I receive the email in less than a minute.


I sure hope I get those messages soon.


This is Crazy!!!

I don't think I've ever seen anything like this post before. It's a list of people desperately seeking a GMail account, which this blogger has so kindly collected a few thousand names. I must admit, I still have not used all my GMail invitations, but I really only want to hand them out to people who I know will use them.

To all those people on the list....just wait. While GMail is cool and all, it's just another email account to manage.


Welcome Message from Google

This is the welcome message from google when you first sign into your gmail account. Notice the labels on the left, which I've had to black out some for privacy. They almost appear as folders. Notice the light advertising on the right. Far cleaner than yahoo advertising. Overall a very clean screen. As I have time I'll point out some other interesting features when viewing a message. Posted by Hello


GMail Sign-in Screen Posted by Hello

I can hand out GMail Accounts

According to Google, they have reached a point in testing where they are ready to start bringing more people on. Not publicly of course! You have to know someone and have them invite you to use it. I've invited two people already and it looks like I can keep going.